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R. E. Thompson Intermediate School Library

Diane Oaks - Librarian 256.389.2930 x 4

email address:

Welcome to R. E. Thompson's Elementary Library!
Hours of Operation
8:00 A.M. - 2:50 P.M. - Monday - Friday
Vision Statement
In collaboration with the school's learning community, Tuscumbia City School' library media programs will be the center of teaching and learning by providing access to quality collections and technologies and by extending services beyond the library media center's four walls and the school day.  
Mission Statement
Tuscumbia City Schools expresses the mission of Alabama's library media programs as supporting the school's instructional program to improve student learning and student achievement.  This mission is accomplished by:
  • Ensuring learners will be able to independently inquire, think critically, and to gain, create, and share knowledge;
  • Providing real and virtual access to appropriate, high-quality resources and serives during and outside the school day;
  • Participating in curriculum development and design of learning activities; and
  • Facilitating professional development for the learning community.

Atriuum Online (Library Catalog) - See what's in 

Username: rethompson
Password: read

Our school subscribes to Accelerated Reader Enterprise which allows students access to thousands of AR quizzes regardless if the book has been borrowed from the school library, the public library, or owned by the student.

You can check AR levels and see if there is a quiz available by clicking on the AR BookFinder link above.  

The websites above are not owned or maintained by Tuscumbia City Schools.